Mister Softee Ice Cream Van

Welcome to our ‘Vehicle of the Month’ 2021 blog post series which we are continuing since August last year to share some of the most fascinating and remarkable car and motorbike stories, restoration projects and travel adventures of our customers.
Last month we shared the story by Roger, a proud member of the Stag Owners Club, and his 1977 Triumph Stag. This March we're continuing with our eighth 'Vehicle of the Month' story by Ian and his Mister Softee Ice Cream Van.
With a sunny weekend behind us, the latest COVID-19 update and roadmap out of lockdown, I think it's fair to say we can begin to look forward to summer and resume attending various classic car shows and other events. A combination of the two, inevitably makes us think of ice cream, which is why this month we're keeping light and tasty with Ian's restoration story.

"Working on Walsall Market 1990"

"As purchased in Derby 2010"
"Arrived in Leeds first job was cab removal"
"Engine Overhaul"
"September 2011 engine in place and time to replace braking system and pipes"
"November 2011 now time to start the coachbuilding. Replacing the hardwood framework"
"December 2011 framework completed"
"Rear doors"
"Aluminium panelling onto framework"
"February 2012 as far as we can go. Its off to Whitby Morrison to complete"
"Off to www.whitbymorrison.com"
"Completed March 2014"